DHSEM Submits Grant Applications for FEMA Programs

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Between February 22 and 29, 2024, DHSEM’s Mitigation Section submitted its applications to FEMA for three grant programs: 

Grant Applications

The grant applications submitted from Colorado are:

  • The HHPD application, in partnership with Colorado's Office of the State Engineer, Dam Safety Branch, included rehabilitation construction projects for the Polly A. Deane Dam in Jefferson County (~$741K) and Beckwith Dam in Pueblo County (~$2.9M). The application also included design projects for the Glen Eyrie #3 ($200K) and Valley Numbers 1 and 2 (~$111K) in Colorado Springs. These projects will help protect nearly 10,000 people downstream of the dams and allow more storage in our reservoirs.
  • Our $34.4M BRIC application includes seven mitigation projects (~$32M) from Colorado Parks & Wildlife, Avon, Fort Collins, Greeley, Lyons, Nunn, and Weld County to reduce future flood risk. It also has the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control’s Mobile Fire-Rated Construction Training Program ($82.5K) to reduce future wildfire losses. DHSEM partnered with the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado ($200K) to update the boundaries of the Special Wind Region in the state to reduce future damages from high winds. Four counties in the San Luis Valley applied jointly for a Building Code Implementation, Training, and Community Education ($600K) grant. The application also includes generator projects for Hinsdale County ($245K) and for Lake City ($230K). Finally, DHSEM submitted a consolidated application to help 23 counties update their Hazard Mitigation Plans to understand their risks from natural hazards and create strategies to reduce them.
  • The ~$2.1M FMA application is for a construction project in Avon that will divert flood waters away from two condominiums and a road, offering protection from a 100-year storm.

DHSEM  anticipates funding news from FEMA for the HHPD grant in late March or early April. Information about funding for the BRIC and FMA grants should arrive this summer.