Presidential Disaster Declaration Process
When the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment Team conducts the assessment and makes a determination that the state and local jurisdictions have met their indicators and have information to support a federal request the last six steps of the process take place. The flowchart at the bottom of the page is explained below:
- Governor
- The Governor, with guidance from state staff, review the damage assessment information and determine if a declaration is need. The state and local jurisdiction need to meet their impact indicators.
- Governor submits a Presidential disaster declaration request to the President through the FEMA Region VIII office.
- This must occur within 30 days of the end of the incident period.
- FEMA Regional Program Office
- The FEMA Regional Office conducts a Stafford Act Program and legal review.
- The regional office makes a Presidential disaster declaration recommendation to the FEMA Regional Administrator.
- FEMA Regional Administrator
- A FEMA Regional Administrator's Validation and Recommendation is submitted.
- The recommendation to FEMA headquarters on issuance of a Presidential disaster declaration occurs.
- FEMA Headquarters
- FEMA headquarters conducts Stafford Act Program and legal review.
- FEMA headquarters makes Presidential declaration recommendation to the FEMA Administrator.
- FEMA Administrator
- FEMA Administrator review the request along with the regional and program recommendations.
- Administrator makes recommendation on issuance of a Presidential disaster declaration.
- President
- President reviews the declaration request and recommendations.
- President makes a declaration decision authorizing federal disaster assistance.