Northwest Region

Approved plans for the northwest region. If you need an accessible version of the plans shared below, please contact the county or city directly for their document. If you need assistance with a point of contact please email our Mitigation Planning Supervisor at matt.west@state.co.us.


Eagle County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Eagle CountyEagle County Adopted Plan                                                      January 3, 2024

Garfield County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Garfield CountyGarfield County Adopted Plan                                              Dec. 11, 2027

Grand County

JurisdictionApproved PlansDate of Expiration
Grand CountyGrand County Adopted Plan                                                  July 22, 2026

Jackson County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Jackson CountyNo adoption on file                                                             n/a

Mesa County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Mesa CountyMesa County Adopted Plan                                                    October 19, 2025

Moffat County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Moffat CountyNo adoption on file                                                                n/a

Pitkin County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Pitkin CountyPitkin County Adopted Plan                                                    April 13, 2028

Rio Blanco County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Rio Blanco CountyRio Blanco County Adopted Plan                                  April 5, 2025

Routt County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Routt CountyRoutt County Adopted Plan                                                   December 28, 2025

Summit County

JurisdictionApproved PlanDate of Expiration
Summit CountySummit County Adopted Plan                                           September 14, 2025