News Article

Mitigation Resource: Colorado Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Policy Update

Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management mitigation staff supported a Colorado Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Policy Update webinar. 

The webinar covered the following:

Part I (30 min)

  • The R8 Team
  • Hazard Mitigation Planning
  • New Policy Overview
  • Special Topic: Climate Change
  • Special Topic: Equity

Part II (90 min)

Colorado Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates

The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management mitigation planning team had a busy summer.  Several counties and local jurisdictions completed their Hazard Mitigation Plan updates and received FEMA approval. This means that the counties will continue to be eligible for FEMA's mitigation grant programs and build resilience within their communities.

Congratulations to:

Mitigation Grant Announcement for BRIC and FMA 2022

Colorado communities once again have the opportunity to reduce their long-term risks from natural hazards with assistance from FEMA’s two annual competitive Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) programs: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA). These programs help elected officials, public works agencies, capital improvement staffs, and other local officials to implement mitigation projects that can dramatically reduce the impacts of a future natural disaster.

March 25 Colorado DR4634 Update: Boulder Fires and Straight-Line Winds Update

Today is the last update for the Marshall Fire Recovery until the FEMA Public Assistance Grant Program data updates begin. 

Donation and Resource  Center

April 23 is the last day the donation and resource center will be open to Marshall Fire and Wind survivors.  Donation efforts will transfer to the Boulder County Long Term Recovery Group. 

Agency Information

9195 E. Mineral Avenue, Suite 200
Centennial, CO  80112

Main Phone Number: 720-852-6600
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

COEmergency Twitter | COEmergency Facebook

State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

Public Information Line: 720-432-2433

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