News Article

Colorado Post Wildfire Guide

The Colorado Post-Wildfire Guide is a consolidated resource intended to assist individuals, families, and communities as they prepare for and recover from a wildfire, and then determine the next steps in planning for post-wildfire hazards and navigating the recovery process. The development of this guide was an interagency effort led by the Colorado Silver Jackets team with support from many partnering local, state and federal agencies.

Join these FEMA Webinars in April

In 2020, Colorado experienced an unprecedented wildfire season. The East Troublesome and Cameron Peak Wildfires scorched over 400,000 acres and destroyed 1,041 structures, including nearly 600 residences. Consequently, flood risk after a wildfire increases dramatically - and where it rains, it can flood. While Colorado is still recovering from these historic events, it’s important to understand the increased risk and prepare for the upcoming wildfire season.  Join experts from wildfire, flood, agriculture and insurance organizations for a series of upcoming webinars discussing important recovery and rebuilding aspects as well as increased flood risk after a wildfire. Panelists will answer frequently asked questions and provide informative resources you can use today. 

Weather Spotter Training Session for Areas Impacted by Wildfire

The NWS Boulder scheduled a weather spotter training session that will emphasize burn scar flooding for communities that could be impacted by burn scar flooding in the coming years. The link to sign up is below for the April 20 session at 6:30 p.m. focused on mountains and foothills communities. This talk will be geared with emphasis on burn scars and the potential for flash flooding this season. 

DR4581: FEMA Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) and Disaster Recovery Information

As you repair and rebuild your communities, environmental and historic preservation concerns may seem unimportant. However, as with all federal funding, certain requirements related to the environment must be fulfilled. This information is provided to help you better understand environmental factors that you must consider as you apply for FEMA funding. The information and assistance described here will help avoid any environmental roadblocks or time delays. The most important message is that EHP staff are available to help you with all environmental requirements.

Agency Information

9195 E. Mineral Avenue, Suite 200
Centennial, CO  80112

Main Phone Number: 720-852-6600
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

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State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

Public Information Line: 720-432-2433

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