News Article

SBA Disaster Assistance Available to Colorado's Private Non-Profit Organizations

SBA Disaster Assistance Available to Colorado: Private Nonprofit Organizations

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Low-interest federal disaster loans are now available to certain private nonprofit organizations in Colorado following the federal disaster declaration for Public Assistance as a result of wildfires that occurred Sept. 6 – Nov. 5, 2020, announced the U.S. Small Business Administration. Private nonprofits that provide essential services of a governmental nature are eligible for assistance.

2021 Colorado Office of Emergency Management Director Message

Last year when I wrote the 2020 letter to you, we could not have imagined the year we would have. Nonetheless, we were not caught unprepared. We began a serious conversation about emergency management as part of a complex adaptive system at the Colorado Emergency Management Conference. Little did we know that shortly after the conference we would be thrust into exactly that environment as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across Colorado.

FEMA Public Notice -Pine River Ranches Bridge Project

Public Notice - Pine River Ranches Bridge Replacement: Notification is hereby given to the public that the Upper Pine River Fire Protection District, in conjunction with the Pine River Ranches Landowners Association, has requested funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a proposed bridge mitigation project north of Bayfield, Colorado. The project is located along the Pine River on Ludwig Drive (37.302279, -107.606442).

DHSEM Continues Suspension of In-Person Training Courses

Due to the continued social distancing restrictions, all in-person DHSEM training course deliveries will remain suspended until January 31, 2021. We will continue to view modeling projections for COVID-19 that will allow us to make informed decisions on scheduling moving forward. We understand the inconvenience of the continuous disruption, but the safety of our instructors and students will remain our top priority.

DHSEM Works to Verify Wildfire Damage Assessment Information

The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM)is collecting and verifying damage assessment information from sources that have sustained damages as a result of the recent wildfires in Boulder, Garfield, Grand, Larimer, and Mesa counties. The state entered the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment process with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after submitting an official request on October 31.

Public Assistance DR-4145 Quarterly Reports Due October 12, 2020

This is a reminder that the FFY Q4 2020 July - September Quarterly Report for your organization for FEMA DR-4145 is due on Monday, October 12, 2020. Reporting for the Public Assistance program is required on all obligated large projects on a quarterly basis until FEMA has officially closed the project.

DHSEM is offering to submit quarterly reports on behalf of sub recipient's for PA-4145 if they meet the following criteria:

Agency Information

9195 E. Mineral Avenue, Suite 200
Centennial, CO  80112

Main Phone Number: 720-852-6600
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

COEmergency Twitter | COEmergency Facebook

State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

Public Information Line: 720-432-2433

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